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Amsterdam goes in lockdown after second wave of COVID hits The Netherlands

24 October 2020 – Amsterdam has gone in partial lockdown after new infections of COVID hit a record high in The Netherlands. Especially in Amsterdam, the numbers of COVID cases are rising. The situation in the capital is considered ‘severe’.

As of 14 October 2020 new measures were put in place in the entire country to tame the spread of Coronavirus. These include:

  • All bars, restaurants, and cafés will be closed. Take out food and drinks are still possible.
  • Supermarkets are not allowed to sell alcohol after 8 pm.
  • Hotels are open, but not allowed to sell alcohol after 8 pm.
  • Indoor venues like cinemas and theatres may continue with a maximum of 30 people.
  • Indoor and outdoor groups of no more than 4 people from different households are allowed.
  • Face masks are not obligatory but advised in all public places.
  • Amsterdam Coffeeshops are closed from 8 pm.

Events in Amsterdam canceled or held online

Many events in Amsterdam in October will be cancelled or held online instead. This includes events like the Amsterdam Dance Event. The documentary film festival IDFA continues to screen films online as well as in cinemas, for a maximum of 30 people.

Museums and markets in Amsterdam still open

In Amsterdam, monuments, libraries and museums are still open for visitors. See temporary exhibitions in Amsterdam museums. Markets are also open for business, as well as retail shops.

Individual sports activities are allowed, but matches and competitions are all canceled. Fitness is open. The only exception is the Dutch football league ‘Eredivisie’. On the highest levels, men and women league continue their matches without an audience.

Over 900 people tested positive every week in Amsterdam

In the Netherlands, about 10.000 new cases of COVID are reported every day. That is about 14% of people tested. In Amsterdam, the situation is considered ‘severe’. This week 21.671 people in Amsterdam were tested. In the last 7 days, almost 4000 people tested positive with Coronavirus in Amsterdam, about 18%.

Number of hospital admissions rising

Though the number of infections was steadily rising since September, the government only announced new measures this week. The reason was that the number of people admitted to a hospital was rising. In the last 3 days, 194 on average were admitted to a hospital in The Netherlands. About 43 COVID-19 cases were admitted into a hospital intensive care unit

: The information in this article was taken from the Dutch Corona Dashboard and the official website. Both are governmental website.


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