Bars & nightlife

Clubbing news

Amsterdam clubs are always changing, the signs of a healthy night life.  Old clubs get a make-over to make them look ehm…old.

Art & architecture

ArtZuid 2013

ArtZuid is an open air exhibition of giant sculptures and installations. The exhibition takes place every two years. Below images


Van Gogh in Amsterdam

From September 15 2012 until October 6, 2013, the Amsterdam Beurs van Berlage shows (almost) all Vincent van Gogh’s work in one exhibition, in chronological order. […]

Stop de vertrutting

Closing times clubs

Visiting the Amsterdam Dance Event this weekend? Don’t be surprised when the lights turn on when you feel the party’s

Construction site Central Station

New Amsterdam metro

Tourists may find the inner city of Amsterdam in a state of total chaos, due to the massive public works


Queensday 2011

Amsterdam received over 800.000 visitors in 2011, to celebrate Queen’s Day 2011. They came from all over Holland and even

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